Monday 9 September 2013

Song of the Week- September 9th 2013

Song of the Week- Piano by Ariana Grande, from the album Yours Truly

So many people over the last week have been raving about the debut album by actress and singer Ariana Grande, with many seeing the young star as this generation's Mariah Carey. I totally agree with these people, and believe that Yours Truly is going to be at the best pop album and debut album of 2013, unless someone else manages to give us an amazing album in the few short months left of 2013. But whilst I am loving the whole album and am one of those people that feel each song is single worthy, for myself there is one standout track on the record, and that is Piano. Now in many ways Piano separates itself from the rest of the singers music (aside from the Mika collaboration) because it is definitely more of a pop song rather that a RnB pop number. But with the beautiful melodies and silky smooth vocal tones of Grande, the singer makes the track totally fit within the set and not standout as a rather awkward song, whilst such flourishes as the male calling intro and other minor things create just a hint of RnB within the song.  What I find great about Piano is that it is a bit of a love song in its own way, but more than that it is just this amazingly fun number that is supremely catchy and does indeed do what the lyrics say in terms of making you want to dance. The youthful, airy and impactful voice of Grande is on fine form within the track, with the producers layering her voice and giving us these lush melodies that just feel bubbly and light and create something that can't be seen as anything other than enjoyable. The synths and piano loop likewise creates this bubbly sound that furthers the songs vibrant energy and the inability of the listener to not want to dance along to the track. But for me what is the songs best asset is the lyrical content, which is packed with not only one of the catchiest choruses of the year, but an array of great hooks and an overall lyrical package that is full of lines that can just easily get stuck in your head. Piano is just this amazing pop offering that definitely needs to be played on the radio (as the songs lyrics suggest) and which would I believe safely see Grande achieve further commercial success, particularly in terms of the tracks Top 40 ready status.

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